Clinical Psychopathology Group


  • Nobuyuki Mitsui
    M.D., Ph.D.
    Chief/Associate Professor
  • Satoshi Asakura
    M.D., Ph.D.
  • Yuki Kako
    M.D., Ph.D.
    Associate Professor
  • Ryo Okubo
    M.D., Ph.D.
    Assistant Professor
  • Keisuke Takanobu
    M.D., Ph.D.
    Assistant Professor
  • Nguyen Tan Dat
    Graduate Student
  • Fumiya Miyano
    Medical Staff / Graduate Student

Research contents

Cognitive behavioral therapy for bipolar disorderOur group conducts clinical researches for various mental diseases from a clinical psychopathological viewpoint.

We have treated so far various diseases including mood disorder, schizophrenia, anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, eating disorder and so on, and conduct studies based on various aspects such as symptomatology, diagnostics and therapeutics.

In recent years, clinical studies from a neuropsychological viewpoint have also been actively conducted in addition to the conventional studies on clinical psychopathology, psychotherapy and rehabilitation.

Our group clarifies cognitive impairment of mood disorder patients by neuropsychological test, and applies cognitive rehabilitation (cognitive remediation), which is originally introduced for schizophrenia, to mood disorder patients.

Further, we implemented a rework assist program that is spreading nationwide now, first time in Japan as a university hospital, and have continued it until now as Integrated recovery activate program, adopting cognitive behavioral group therapy or cognitive rehabilitation.

We perform clinical studies on suicidality and have reported temperament and character profiles of the persons who have committed suicide, and association between suicidal ideation and self-esteem.

Our studies on social anxiety disorder and Taijin-Kyofu have been continued since 1970s, and we have clarified the general idea and diagnostic positioning of convinced subtype of Taijin-Kyofu in particular.

In recent years, we have developed a new rating scale and reported the association between severity of social anxiety and cognitive impairment.

For schizophrenia, we perform clinical studies on insight and subjective experience, adherence, cognitive impairment, notification of the diagnosis and so on.

In medical treatment, we provide inpatient care of serious eating disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder, and practice cognitive behavior therapy for various diseases.

We wish to promote studies that can contribute to improvement in symptomatology, diagnostics and therapeutics, incorporating various viewpoints into psychopathology.